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Sign up for your free calendar today! You can add public events that will show up when someone does a search for your area.


Enhancement History

RSS Calendar Feeds
We are pleased to announce that RSS feeds are now available for your public calendar events!
The link can be found on the small RSS Calendar Feed button at the lower-right of any public calendar view
(for an example, see

For those unfamiliar with RSS, it is a Web content syndication format. Its name is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication. You can read these files in a program called an aggregator, which automatically collects news from various websites and provides it to you in a simple form. It is also possible to include RSS feeds in some blogs.

If you have friends or family who use an RSS reader, then sharing your RSS link is an excellent way to keep them up-to-date with your calendar. As always, your feedback is welcome and will help us improve this feature.


Import/Export enhancements
Support for Palmtm devices is now a reality, and exporting in general just became more powerful. Our enhanced export-syncronization feature (part of all Premium Packages) uses a small browser plug-in to allow you to easily move events from your localendar to a local application or device.

  New Published Calendar Option: Create a Fully-Interactive Embedded Calendar
Explore the many ways you can add a calendar to your site with our Publish Wizard!
  Add a "Printable View" button to your Published calendar (requires at least a Premium Webmaster subscription)


Let Visitors Add Calendar Events
Until now, only the calendar owner could create new events. With this feature (part of most Premium Packages) you can enable calendar viewers to add their own events. It's great for a community or group site that needs a forum where anyone can contribute content. More information on this feature is available here.


Publish Wizard now available
The Publish Wizard makes it easy to make your calendar a dynamic part of your own web site. You can either include your calendar as part of an existing page, or link to a full-page interactive calendar (or put it in a frame!). You can also preview what your published calendar will look like. Just click the Publish button on the left-hand menu:



More Local Information
Searches for local events now include additional local listings for hotels, car rental, restaurants, and other activities. A handy toolbar accompanies your Search Results for quick access to this information. Access to additional local resources is planned.


  New menu!
As new features have been added to localendar, the left menu has grown increasingly longer. Our new menu design reorganizes and simplifies access to various actions, and makes space for future enhancements.


  Dynamic replacement of month name or number
If you use either the new <MONTH/> or <MONTHNUM/> tag in your calendar's title or footer, that text will be automatically replaced with the text of the month's name or number, respectively.

How might you use this?

Suppose you wanted an image in your calendar's title to change each month. You might store a series of images on your site, month_1.gif, month_2.gif, month_3.gif, etc. You could change your calendar's title to include the following HTML:

<IMG SRC="http://mysite.com/images/month_<MONTHNUM/>.gif">

At display time, that string would become: <IMG SRC="http://mysite.com/images/month_1.gif"> (or month_2.gif, month_3.gif, etc), and the appropriate picture would be displayed.

(Follow-up: <DAYNUM/> and <YEARNUM/> tags have also been added)

  Dynamic HTML mini-calendar!
Members will now have a quicker way to navigate their calendar and enter date information. The mini-calendar on the left-hand menu will now respond instantly! 

Also, most members may now enter dates on the Event Editor by using the new calendar drop-down. Where you see this button: , click it to try this new feature.

  Flexible hours on day-view. Change your calendar's day-view to show the hours you want. Click the Preferences button on the calendar menu.
"Events" tab on the Preferences menu. Set your event preferences here
New fields on the "General" tab (Preferences Menu)
Calendar Footer Appears at the bottom of your calendar. Supports embedded HTML, just like the Calendar Title
Home Page URL Lets visitors who find your events via a search to get to your site's homepage.
Common Event Information Sick of typing the same directions, phone numbers, etc. into every public event you add? Type it here once and it will always appear on your public events. Also supports embedded HTML.
Added "Astronomy" holidays (Moon phases, solstices, equinoxes)
Enhancements to Printable Calendar View : No longer shows "Week" column & displays a border around days

Custom Style Editor

The preferences editor for calendar styles provides even greater control for customizing your calendar.

Best of all, it uses the latest in Dynamic HTML to instantly show you what your changes will look like. Click here to give it a try !



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